How to add more icons to Divi
Who is this article for?
Anyone who owns Divi Den Pro and wants to use additional icons.
• Skill level: Easy
• Time to complete: 3+ minutes
Video Tutorial
Enabling icons
Go to Divi Den Pro dashboard and select Theme Builder tab. Then launch the WordPress Customizer:
Toggle Divi Den Pro Global Settings > Add more icons to Divi:
You will see two options here: To use Font Awesome icons and to use Material Design icons.
By default, these options are not selected, so make sure to select the icons you would like to use and then hit the Publish button.
Using icons
Now go to a page, insert a module that has the icons options, such as the Blurb module.
Make sure to set the "Use Icon" option to Yes.
You can choose which options to show (All, Divi Icons, Font Awesome 5 Free Icons, Material Design Icons).
There's a search box too, so you can look up for the icon by the keyword. For example: "arrow", "up", "WordPress"...
Also, once you've already selected an icon and updated the page, you will see the indicator of which icon is currently in use.