Divi 4.0 Theme Builder: How to use Divi Premade Theme Builder Templates

Who is this article for

- Anyone who owns Divi Den Pro and wants to use premade layouts with the Divi Theme Builder.

Skill level: Easy
Time to complete: 2 minutes

Before you start

1. Make sure that Divi theme and Divi Den Pro are both up to date.

Video Tutorial

How it's done

Download the templates you want to use, first. Go to Divi > Theme Builder. Click the "Divi Den Pro Templates" button, to get automatically scrolled to the templates.

For the templates that you want to use, just click the "Save (Download)" button.

This will download the template file to your computer.

Next, scroll all the up to the Divi Theme Builder options, or just hit this button, to automatically get scrolled to it:

Now, lets just import the template we downloaded:

Click the Portability icon:

Select Import and import the file you downloaded previously.

Finally, let's just assign that template to the relevant category. Hover the template and click the settings button:

Then click Manage Template Assignments.

You want to choose the category that matches the template you downloaded; For example, if it's a Single Blog post template, you want to make sure to assign the template to the Single Blog post category.

That's all!

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