Do I have to know coding to use your products?

Who is this article for

If you like our products but hesitate to get them because you are not sure if you will be able to make customisations, we encourage you to keep reading

How it's done?

Process of installing is pretty simple. We recommend reading our docs for installation steps, just to make sure you're doing it properly. Also, you will find a lot of useful stuff on how to edit things and what to do if you face any troubles during the installation process. Choose documentation according to product you are using and take some time to read it.

What about customizing layouts?

If you really like our layouts but you would like to change few things, such as the text or background colors, that's completely fine and you will be able to do it on your own. Making bigger changes to our layouts may be a challenge though, that all depends of your needs.

What if I need your help?

Do not hesitate to ask for help at all. Whether you are facing issues with installing or customizing some of our products, we're always here to help.

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